The best thing about being a nerd is that sometimes you get to say phrases like you would only hear in a movie… except for real.And you mean them.

I just said this to someone.

“If you are ever down in Mandurah with an army… let me know.

Observation from years working with clients:

A totally “hopeless” feeling about your love life can be turned around within a SINGLE DAY by meeting just one great person.

That’s why keeping your sense of optimism is so important.


Arbitrary number of dates, time, activities, whatever the case… I believe anyone using such guideposts probably needs them, to an extent.

But these guidelines followed are ALWAYS going to be generic.

People get caught up in making sure a certain path is taken to ensure dating success, but you know what??

It doesn’t work that way.

Sometimes there IS “love at first sight.”

Or the paths crossing of soulmates, maybe adversity is required before a connection.

And sometimes a lengthy process is required to develop a strong connection.


(And sometimes it doesn’t work out no matter what you do right!)

This would be easier to understand and practice if we stopped thinking of dating, and even Life, from the perspectives of “Good vs. Bad.”

It’s not like that, it’s just “what is.”

If you connected quick, fine.

If your connection takes 90 days before sex, fine.

But my counsel would that the only “bad” is to try to control the outcome so much with “X” amounts of dates, time, etc…

I believe the best part of relationships is their spontaneity and the organic growth.

Certainly, I understand employing “better” dating practices (duh, I teach Game), but if you reach and understand the highest levels of what I teach…you will get to the point where “the rules don’t matter.”

I wish everyone could experience this level in dating, or anything in their life, because it’s life changing to see your circumstances…and not worry about the “How?”

Guidelines have their place, yes.

But most of the time, they only identify individuals who NEED guidance.

And if someone preaches that THEIR way is the right, or only way… There is a flaw in both the individual and their strategy.

I believe your path is more just a way that “is,” and that whatever path you are taking in every moment, that’s what “is.”

You just ride it out, like a virtual game of life where you never start over, but just keep going.

Where is up to you.

And guys consider, waiting 90 days like Steve Harvey speaks about doesn’t result in success.

You’re still playing a game where you are using manipulation tactics.

Personally, I’ve found women attempting these manipulations with me to be unattractive because it removed the element of spontaneity, of “going with the flow,” and allowing organic growth and expression.

It feels like a false restriction.

I would also question just how different these women are acting from men who use tactics of “I win and YOU lose” to get sex.

Ladies, you frown upon men who use NLP (linguistic tactics) to seduce women, and you also berate men for using “negs” to achieve the upper hand.

Just how different is it to CONSCIOUSLY barter your sex/time/affection??

So…I’m not exactly a fan of these “make them wait or do this” guidelines.

How about you make YOURSELF better instead of making it worse for someone else?

Hey guys,

I know I haven’t been posting here that much, and I do apologise.

I have been extremely busy working on my novel, working in general, attempting to actually work on my studies and being an honorary student (yeah, like that’s even possible 😜), and trying to fit in a social life in the mix of that.

I’ll try to post here as much as I possibly can, but please be patient with me.

Eternally grateful to every one of you.

On another note, if you have any questions on dating or relationships, or on my writing, that you want me to answer, you can message me at any time on here or through social media. 

The fact that I have this job is amazing, I love helping people, but it should be taught in schools.

“Lesson 1: how to express yourself.”

“Lesson 2: how to listen to others.”

“Lesson 3: why caring about others is good.”

Look, there is no right or wrong, but the question you always have to ask yourself is…

“Does this serve me?”⠀

That is always the question, and then from there, you can decide if it was a good choice for you.⠀

One of the things I see commonly though is a NEED to make things happen can often cloud our judgement of what is ACTUALLY happening.

Random thought

A lot of people think they are a work in progress.

To what exactly?

We are all in progress.

We are the progress.

There’s no finish line.

We are in motion.

If you can’t enjoy the motion, then you’ll struggle to enjoy the fruits life brings, truely because it will only play another roll in your life, a roll that helps you feel like you’re making progress.

How would you view life if there was no “finish line” or even ideal situation or even ideal relationship?

You might start to appreciate them for what they are, even in the shit times, because it’s all progress, it’s all motion.


We tend to over-invest in one area in life, and that’s when we become stuck.

Working hard brings amazing things, but don’t forget to combine it with being healthy, social, and actually HAVING FUN.

Everyone has their own priorities, but make sure whatever happens that you have BALANCE.